2025 Etienne Lewis Invitation Criteria
The Etienne Lewis 2024 Trials will take place from 30 August 2024 to 1 September 2024.
This policy describes the “Tshwane Chess Merit Ranking List” which will be referred to as the “Merit
Ranking List”.
The purpose of the Merit Ranking List is to determine a ranking order for all active Tshwane Chess
players and to select teams to represent Tshwane Chess as well as for allocation of awards.
All Tshwane Chess Teams are selected from the Tshwane Chess Merit List.
Annual Merit Point (AMP): This is the total of all the merit points that will be used for the final ranking list.
A Player’s Etienne Lewis Final merit Point is added as the last Merit point to determine the Final Annual Merit Point of each Player. This will determine the final ranking of the player on the merit list of his / her age group.
Best 90/90 or 60/60+30sec Tournament merit point + 3 x ( Best 60/60 (55:55+5sec) Tournament Merit Points) + Etienne Lewis Merit Point = Final Merit Point for Team selection. (Only tournaments which appear on the Tshwane Calendar (Excluding Gauteng and SA events) will be taken into consideration, for invitation, from after the 2023 Etienne Lewis until the tournament before the 2024 Etienne Lewis).
All standard time control tournaments played count towards a players merit point calculation.
This will include:
Selection Criteria for u8 Players to be invited to the Etienne Lewis Trials:
Selection Criteria for u10-u16 Players to be invited to the Etienne Lewis Trials:
Selection Criteria for u18 Players:
Selection Criteria for u20 Players: